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- 3C0h: Attribute Controller: Address register
- bit 0-4 Address of data register to write to port 3C0h
- or read from port 3C1h (Reads only on VGA).
- 5 If set screen output is enabled and the palette can not be
- modified, if clear screen output is disabled and the palette
- can be modified.
- Port 3C0h is special in that it is both address and data-write
- register. Data reads happen from port 3C1h. An internal
- flip-flop remembers whether it is currently acting as
- address or data register.
- Accesses to the attribute controller must be separated by
- at least 250ns.
- Reading port 3dAh will reset the flip-flop to address mode.
- 3C0h index 0-Fh (r/W): Attribute: Palette
- bit 0 (EGA) Primary Blue
- 1 (EGA) Primary Green
- 2 (EGA) Primary Red
- 3 (EGA) Secondary Blue
- 4 (EGA) Secondary Green
- 5 (EGA) Secondary Red
- 0-5 (VGA) Index into the 256 color DAC table.
- May be modified by 3C0h index 10h and 14h.
- 3C0h index 10h (r/W): Attribute: Mode Control Register
- bit 0 Graphics mode if set, Alphanumeric mode else.
- 1 Monochrome mode if set, color mode else.
- 2 9-bit wide characters if set.
- The 9th bit of characters C0h-DFh will be the same as
- the 8th bit. Otherwise it will be the background color.
- 3 If set Attribute bit 7 is blinking, else high intensity.
- 5 (VGA Only) If set the PEL panning register (3C0h index 13h)
- is temporarily set to 0 from when the line
- compare causes a wrap around until the next
- vertical retrace when the register is automatically
- reloaded with the old value, else the PEL
- panning register ignores line compares.
- 6 (VGA Only) If set pixels are 8 bits wide.
- Used in 256 color modes.
- 7 (VGA Only) If set bit 4-5 of the index into the DAC table
- are taken from port 3C0h index 14h bit 0-1,
- else the bits in the palette register are used.
- 3C0h index 11h (r/W): Attribute: Overscan Color Register.
- bit 0-5 Color of screen border. Color is defined as in the
- palette registers.
- Note: The EGA requires the Overscan color to be 0 in high resolution
- modes.
- 3C0h index 12h (r/W): Attribute: Color Plane Enable Register
- bit 0 Bit plane 0 is enabled if set.
- 1 Bit plane 1 is enabled if set.
- 2 Bit plane 2 is enabled if set.
- 3 Bit plane 3 is enabled if set.
- 4-5 Video Status MUX. Diagnostics use only.
- Two attribute bits appear on bits 4 and 5 of the Input
- Status Register 1 (3dAh).
- Value EGA VGA
- 0 Red/Blue Bit 2/Bit 0
- 1 Blue'/Green Bit 5/Bit 4
- 2 Red'/Green' Bit 3/Bit 1
- 3 Bit 7/Bit 6
- 3C0h index 13h (r/W): Attribute: Horizontal PEL Panning Register
- bit 0-3 Indicates number of pixels to shift the display left
- Value 9bit textmode 256color mode Other modes
- 0 1 0 0
- 1 2 n/a 1
- 2 3 1 2
- 3 4 n/a 3
- 4 5 2 4
- 5 6 n/a 5
- 6 7 3 6
- 7 8 n/a 7
- 8 0 n/a n/a
- 3C0h index 14h (r/W): Attribute: Color Select Register (VGA Only)
- bit 0-1 If 3C0h index 10h bit 7 is set these 2 bits are used
- as bits 4-5 of the index into the DAC table.
- 2-3 These 2 bits are used as bit 6-7 of the index into the
- DAC table except in 256 color mode.
- Note: this register does not affect 256 color modes.
- 3C2h (R): Input Status #0 Register
- bit 4 Status of the switch selected by the Miscellaneous Output
- Register 3C2h bit 2-3. Switch high if set.
- 5 (EGA Only) Pin 19 of the Feature Connector (FEAT0)
- is high if set
- 6 (EGA Only) Pin 17 of the Feature Connector (FEAT1)
- is high if set
- 7 (EGA Only ??) If set IRQ 2 has happened due to Vertical
- Retrace. Should be cleared by IRQ 2 interrupt routine
- by clearing port 3d4h index 11h bit 4.
- 3C2h (W): Miscellaneous Output Register
- bit 0 If set Color Emulation. Base Address=3Dxh
- else Mono Emulation. Base Address=3Bxh.
- 1 Enable CPU Access to video memory if set
- 2-3 Clock Select
- 0: 14MHz(EGA) 25MHz(VGA)
- 1: 16MHz(EGA) 28MHz(VGA)
- 2: External(EGA) Reserved(VGA)
- 4 (EGA Only) Disable internal video drivers if set
- 5 When in Odd/Even modes Select High 64k bank if set
- 6 Horizontal Sync Polarity. Negative if set
- 7 Vertical Sync Polarity. Negative if set
- Bit 6-7 indicates the number of lines on the display:
- 0=200(EGA) Reserved(VGA)
- 1= 400(VGA)
- 2=350(EGA) 350(VGA)
- 3= 480(VGA).
- Note: Set to all zero on a hardware reset.
- Note: On the VGA this register can be read from port 3CCh.
- 3C3h (W): Video Subsystem Enable Register
- bit 0 Enables the VGA display if set
- 3C4h index 0 (r/W): Sequencer: Reset
- bit 0 (EGA) Asynchronous Reset if clear
- 0 (VGA) Synchronous Reset just as bit 1
- 1 Synchronous Reset if clear
- 3C4h index 1 (r/W): Sequencer: Clocking Mode
- bit 0 If set character clocks are 8 dots wide, else 9.
- 1 (EGA Only) If set the CRTC uses 2/5 of the clock cycles, else 4/5.
- 2 If set loads video serializers every other character
- clock cycle, else every one.
- 3 If set the Dot Clock is Master Clock/2, else same as
- Master Clock (See 3C2h bit 2-3). (Doubles pixels).
- 4 (VGA Only) If set loads video serializers every fourth
- character clock cycle, else every one.
- 5 (VGA Only) if set turns off screen and gives all memory
- cycles to the CPU interface.
- 3C4h index 2 (r/W): Sequencer: Map Mask Register
- bit 0 Enable writes to plane 0 if set
- 1 Enable writes to plane 1 if set
- 2 Enable writes to plane 2 if set
- 3 Enable writes to plane 3 if set
- 3C4h index 3 (r/W): Sequencer: Character Map Select Register
- bit 0-1 (EGA) Selects EGA Character Map (0..3) if bit 3 of
- the character attribute is clear.
- 2-3 (EGA) Selects EGA Character Map (0..3) if bit 3 of
- the character attribute is set.
- 0,1,4 (VGA) Selects VGA Character Map (0..7) if bit 3 of
- the character attribute is clear.
- 2,3,5 (VGA) Selects VGA Character Map (0..7) if bit 3 of
- the character attribute is set.
- Character Maps are placed at:
- Map no. (EGA/VGA) Map no. (VGA)
- 0 0k 4 8k
- 1 16k 5 24k
- 2 32k 6 40k
- 3 48k 7 56k
- 3C4h index 4 (r/W): Sequencer: Memory Mode Register
- bit 0 Set if in an alphanumeric mode, clear in graphics modes.
- 1 Set if more than 64kbytes on the adapter.
- 2 Enables Odd/Even addressing mode if set.
- Odd/Even mode places all odd bytes in plane 1&3, and
- all even bytes in plane 0&2.
- 3 (VGA Only) If set address bit 0-1 selects video memory
- planes (256 color mode), rather than the
- Map Mask and Read Map Select Registers.
- 3C4h index 7 (R/W): Sequencer Horizontal Character Counter Reset Register.
- (VGA Only).
- Note: Undocumented by IBM. May not be available in all clones.
- Note: A write to this register will cause the Horizontal Character Counter
- to be held reset (=0) until a write happens to any of the Sequencer
- registers index 0..6.
- The Vertical Line counter is clocked by a signal derived from the
- Horizontal Display Enable (which does not occur if the Horizontal
- Character Counter is held reset).
- Thus a write to index 7 during Vertical Retrace can stop the display
- timing and allow software to start the next frame reasonably
- synchronous to an external event.
- 3C6h (R/W): PEL Mask (VGA Only)
- bit 0-7 This register is anded with the palette index sent
- for each dot. Should be set to FFh.
- 3C7h (R): DAC State Register (VGA Only)
- bit 0-1 0 indicates the DAC is in Read Mode and 3 indicates
- write mode.
- 3C7h (W): PEL Address Read Mode (VGA Only)
- bit 0-7 The PEL data register (0..255) to be read from 3C9h.
- Note: After reading the 3 bytes at 3C9h this register will
- increment, pointing to the next data register.
- 3C8h (R/W): PEL Address Write Mode (VGA Only)
- bit 0-7 The PEL data register (0..255) to be written to 3C9h.
- Note: After writing the 3 bytes at 3C9h this register will
- increment, pointing to the next data register.
- 3C9h (R/W): PEL Data Register (VGA Only)
- bit 0-5 Color value
- Note: Each read or write of this register will cycle through first
- the registers for Red, Blue and Green, then increment the
- appropriate address register, thus the entire palette can be
- loaded by writing 0 to the PEL Address Write Mode register 3C8h
- and then writing all 768 bytes of the palette to this register.
- 3CAh (R): Feature Control Register (VGA Only)
- Bit 3 (VGA Only) Vertical Sync Select
- If set Vertical Sync to the monitor is the logical OR
- of the vertical sync and the vertical display enable.
- Note: This register is written to port 3dAh and read from 3CAh.
- 3CAh (W): Graphics 2 Position (EGA Only)
- bit 0-1 Select which bit planes should be controlled by
- Graphics Controller #2. Always set to 1.
- 3CCh (R): Miscellaneous Output Register (VGA Only)
- bit 0 If set Color Emulation. Base Address=3Dxh
- else Mono Emulation. Base Address=3Bxh.
- 1 Enable CPU Access to video memory if set
- 2-3 Clock Select
- 0= 25MHz, 1= 28MHz, 2= Reserved
- 5 When in Odd/Even modes Select High 64k bank if set
- 6 Horizontal Sync Polarity. Negative if set
- 7 Vertical Sync Polarity. Negative if set
- Bit 6-7 indicates the number of lines on the display:
- 0=Reserved, 1=400, 2=350, 3=480.
- Note: This register is written to port 3C2h and read from port 3CCh.
- 3CCh (W): Graphics 1 Position (EGA Only)
- bit 0-1 Select which bit planes should be controlled by
- Graphics Controller #1. Always set to 0.
- 3CEh index 0 (r/W): Graphics: Set/Reset Register
- bit 0 If in Write Mode 0 and bit 0 of 3CEh index 1 is set
- a write to display memory will set all the bits in
- plane 0 of the byte to this bit, if the corresponding
- bit is set in the Map Mask Register (3CEh index 8).
- 1 Same for plane 1 and bit 1 of 3CEh index 1.
- 2 Same for plane 2 and bit 2 of 3CEh index 1.
- 3 Same for plane 3 and bit 3 of 3CEh index 1.
- 3CEh index 1 (r/W): Graphics: Enable Set/Reset Register
- bit 0 If set enables Set/reset of plane 0 in Write Mode 0.
- 1 Same for plane 1.
- 2 Same for plane 2.
- 3 Same for plane 3.
- 3CEh index 2 (r/W): Graphics: Color Compare Register
- bit 0-3 In Read Mode 1 each pixel at the address of the byte read
- is compared to this color and the corresponding bit in
- the output set to 1 if they match, 0 if not.
- The Color Don't Care Register (3CEh index 7) can exclude
- bitplanes from the comparison.
- 3CEh index 3 (r/W): Graphics: Data Rotate
- bit 0-2 Number of positions to rotate data right before it is
- written to display memory. Only active in Write Mode 0.
- 3-4 In Write Mode 2 this field controls the relation between
- the data written from the CPU, the data latched from the
- previous read and the data written to display memory:
- 0: CPU Data is written unmodified
- 1: CPU data is ANDed with the latched data
- 2: CPU data is ORed with the latch data.
- 3: CPU data is XORed with the latched data.
- 3CEh index 4 (r/W): Graphics: Read Map Select Register
- bit 0-1 Number of the plane Read Mode 0 will read from.
- 3CEh index 5 (r/W): Graphics: Mode Register
- bit 0-1 Write Mode: Controls how data from the CPU is
- transformed before being written to display memory:
- 0: Mode 0 works as a Read-Modify-Write operation.
- First a read access loads the data latches of the EGA/VGA
- with the value in video memory at the addressed location.
- Then a write access will provide the destination address
- and the CPU data byte. The data written is modified by the
- function code in the Data Rotate register (3CEh index 3) as
- a function of the CPU data and the latches, then data
- is rotated as specified by the same register.
- 1: Mode 1 is used for video to video transfers.
- A read access will load the data latches with the contents
- of the addressed byte of video memory. A write access will
- write the contents of the latches to the addressed byte.
- Thus a single MOVSB instruction can copy all pixels in the
- source address byte to the destination address.
- 2: Mode 2 writes a color to all pixels in the addressed byte
- of video memory. Bit 0 of the CPU data is written to plane 0
- et cetera. Individual bits can be enabled or disabled through
- the Bit Mask register (3CEh index 8).
- 3: (VGA Only) Mode 3 can be used to fill an area with a color and
- pattern. The CPU data is rotated according to 3CEh index 3
- bits 0-2 and anded with the Bit Mask Register (3CEh index 8).
- For each bit in the result the corresponding pixel is set to
- the color in the Set/Reset Register (3CEh index 0 bits 0-3)
- if the bit is set and to the contents of the processor latch
- if the bit is clear.
- 2 (EGA Only) Forces all outputs to a high impedance state if set.
- 3 Read Mode
- 0: Data is read from one of 4 bit planes depending
- on the Read Map Select Register (3CEh index 4).
- 1: Data returned is a comparison between the 8 pixels
- occupying the read byte and the color in the
- Color Compare Register (3CEh index 2).
- A bit is set if the color of the corresponding
- pixel matches the register.
- 4 Enables Odd/Even mode if set (See 3C4h index 4 bit 2).
- 5 Enables CGA style 4 color pixels using even/odd bit pairs
- if set.
- 6 (VGA Only) Enables 256 color mode if set.
- 3CEh index 6 (r/W): Graphics: Miscellaneous Register
- bit 0 Indicates Graphics Mode if set, Alphanumeric mode else.
- 1 Enables Odd/Even mode if set.
- 2-3 Memory Mapping:
- 0: use A000h-BFFFh
- 1: use A000h-AFFFh EGA/VGA Graphics modes
- 2: use B000h-B7FFh Monochrome modes
- 3: use B800h-BFFFh CGA modes
- 3CEh index 7 (r/W): Graphics: Color Don't Care Register
- bit 0 Ignore bit plane 0 in Read mode 1 if clear.
- 1 Ignore bit plane 1 in Read mode 1 if clear.
- 2 Ignore bit plane 2 in Read mode 1 if clear.
- 3 Ignore bit plane 3 in Read mode 1 if clear.
- 3CEh index 8 (r/W): Graphics: Bit Mask Register
- bit 0-7 Each bit if set enables writing to the corresponding
- bit of a byte in display memory.
- 3d4h index 0 (r/W): CRTC: Horizontal Total Register
- bit 0-7 (EGA) Horizontal Total Character Clocks-2
- 0-7 (VGA) Horizontal Total Character Clocks-5
- 3d4h index 1 (r/W): CRTC: Horizontal Display End Register
- bit 0-7 Number of Character Clocks Displayed -1
- 3d4h index 2 (r/W): CRTC: Start Horizontal Blanking Register
- bit 0-7 The count at which Horizontal Blanking starts
- 3d4h index 3 (r/W): CRTC: End Horizontal Blanking Register
- bit 0-4 Horizontal Blanking ends when the last 5 (6 for VGA)
- bits of the character counter equals this field.
- (VGA) The sixth bit is found in port 3d4h index 5 bit 7.
- 5-6 Number of character clocks to delay start of display
- after Horizontal Total has been reached.
- 7 (VGA Only) Access to Vertical Retrace registers if set
- If clear reads to 3d4h index 10h and 11h
- access the Lightpen readback registers ??
- 3d4h index 4 (r/W): CRTC: Start Horizontal Retrace Register
- bit 0-7 Horizontal Retrace starts when the Character Counter
- reaches this value.
- 3d4h index 5 (r/W): CRTC: End Horizontal Retrace Register
- bit 0-4 Horizontal Retrace ends when the last 5 bits of the
- character counter equals this value.
- 5-6 Number of character clocks to delay start of display
- after Horizontal Retrace.
- 7 (EGA) Provides Smooth Scrolling in Odd/Even mode.
- When set display starts from an odd byte.
- 7 (VGA) bit 5 of the End Horizontal Blanking count
- (See 3d4h index 3 bit 0-4).
- 3d4h index 6 (r/W): CRTC: Vertical Total Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the Vertical Total
- Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 0.
- (VGA) Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 5.
- Note: For the VGA this value is the number of scan lines in the display -2.
- 3d4h index 7 (r/W): CRTC: Overflow Register
- bit 0 Bit 8 of Vertical Total (3d4h index 6)
- 1 Bit 8 of Vertical Display End (3d4h index 12h)
- 2 Bit 8 of Vertical Retrace Start (3d4h index 10h)
- 3 Bit 8 of Start Vertical Blanking (3d4h index 15h)
- 4 Bit 8 of Line Compare Register (3d4h index 18h)
- 5 (VGA) Bit 9 of Vertical Total (3d4h index 6)
- 6 (VGA) Bit 9 of Vertical Display End (3d4h index 12h)
- 7 (VGA) Bit 9 of Vertical Retrace Start (3d4h index 10h)
- 3d4h index 8 (r/W): CRTC: Preset Row Scan Register
- bit 0-4 Number of lines we have scrolled down in the first
- character row. Provides Smooth Vertical Scrolling.
- 5-6 (VGA Only) Number of bytes to skip at the start of
- scanline. Provides Smooth Horizontal Scrolling
- together with the Horizontal Panning Register
- (3C0h index 13h).
- 3d4h index 9 (r/W): CRTC: Maximum Scan Line Register
- bit 0-4 Number of scan lines in a character row -1
- 5 (VGA) Bit 9 of Start Vertical Blanking
- 6 (VGA) Bit 9 of Line Compare Register
- 7 (VGA) Doubles each scan line if set.
- I.e displays 200 lines on a 400 display.
- 3d4h index Ah (r/W): CRTC: Cursor Start Register
- bit 0-4 First scanline of cursor within character.
- 5 (VGA) Turns Cursor off if set
- 3d4h index Bh (r/W): CRTC: Cursor End Register
- bit 0-4 Last scanline of cursor within character
- 5-6 Delay of cursor data in character clocks.
- 3d4h index Ch (r/W): CRTC: Start Address High Register
- bit 0-7 Upper 8 bits of the start address of the display buffer
- 3d4h index Dh (r/W): CRTC: Start Address Low Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the start address of the display buffer
- 3d4h index Eh (r/W): CRTC: Cursor Location High Register
- bit 0-7 Upper 8 bits of the address of the cursor
- 3d4h index Fh (r/W): CRTC: Cursor Location Low Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the address of the cursor
- 3d4h index 10h (R): CRTC: Light Pen High Register (EGA Only)
- bit 0-7 (EGA Only) Upper 8 bits of the address of the
- lightpen position.
- 3d4h index 10h (r/W): CRTC: Vertical Retrace Start Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Retrace Start. Vertical Retrace
- starts when the line counter reaches this value.
- Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 2.
- (VGA Only) Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 7.
- 3d4h index 11h (R): CRTC: Light Pen Low Register (EGA Only)
- bit 0-7 (EGA Only) Lower 8 bits of the address of the
- lightpen position.
- 3d4h index 11h (r/W): CRTC: Vertical Retrace End Register
- bit 0-3 Vertical Retrace ends when the last 4 bits of the
- line counter equals this value.
- 4 if clear Clears pending Vertical Interrupts.
- 5 Vertical Interrupts (IRQ 2) disabled if set.
- Can usually be left disabled, but some systems
- (including PS/2) require it to be enabled.
- 6 (VGA Only) If set selects 5 refresh cycles per
- scanline rather than 3.
- 7 (VGA Only) Disables writing to registers 0-7 if set
- 3d4h index 7 bit 4 is not affected by this bit.
- 3d4h index 12h (r/W): CRTC: Vertical Display End Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Display End. The display
- ends when the line counter reaches this value.
- Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 1.
- (VGA Only) Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 6.
- 3d4h index 13h (r/W): CRTC: Offset register
- bit 0-7 Number of bytes in a scanline / K. Where K is 2 for
- byte mode, 4 for word mode and 8 for Double Word mode.
- 3d4h index 14h (r/W): CRTC: Underline Location Register
- bit 0-4 Position of underline within Character cell.
- 5 (VGA Only) If set memory address is only changed
- every fourth character clock.
- 6 (VGA Only) Double Word mode addressing if set
- 3d4h index 15h (r/W): CRTC: Start Vertical Blank Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Blank Start. Vertical blanking
- starts when the line counter reaches this value.
- Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 3.
- 3d4h index 16h (r/W): CRTC: End Vertical Blank Register
- bit 0-4 (EGA) Vertical blanking stops when the lower 5 bits
- of the line counter equals this field.
- 0-6 (VGA) Vertical blanking stops when the lower 7 bits
- of the line counter equals this field.
- 3d4h index 17h (r/W): CRTC: Mode Control Register
- bit 0 If clear use CGA compatible memory addressing system
- by substituting character row scan counter bit 0 for
- address bit 13, thus creating 2 banks for even and
- odd scan lines.
- 1 If clear use Hercules compatible memory addressing
- system by substituting character row scan counter bit 1 for
- address bit 14, thus creating 4 banks.
- 2 If set increase scan line counter only every second line.
- 3 If set increase memory address counter only every other
- character clock.
- 4 (EGA Only) If set disable the EGA output drivers. This bit
- is used for other purposes in some Super VGA chips.
- 5 When in Word Mode bit 15 is rotated to bit 0 if this bit
- is set else bit 13 is rotated into bit 0.
- 6 If clear system is in word mode. Addresses are rotated
- 1 position up bringing either bit 13 or 15 into bit 0.
- 7 Clearing this bit will reset the display system
- until the bit is set again.
- 3d4h index 18h (r/W): CRTC: Line Compare Register
- bit 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the Line Compare. When the Line counter
- reaches this value, the display address wraps to 0.
- Provides Split Screen facilities.
- Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 4.
- (VGA Only) Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 9 bit 6.
- 3d4h index 22h (R): Memory Latch Register (VGA - Undocumented).
- bit 0-7 Reads the contents of the Graphics Controller Memory Data Latch
- for the plane selected by 3C0h index 4 bit 0-1 (Read Map Select).
- Note: This register is not documented by IBM and may not be available
- on all clones.
- 3d4h index 24h (R): Attribute Controller Toggle Register.
- (VGA - Undocumented).
- bit 0-4 Attribute Controller Index.
- The current value of the Attribute Index Register.
- 5 Palette Address Source. Same as 3C0h bit 5.
- 7 If set next read or write to 3C0h will access the data register.
- Note: This register is not documented by IBM and may not be available
- on all clones.
- 3d4h index 30h-3Fh (W): Clear Vertical Display Enable. (VGA - Undocumented).
- bit 0 Setting this bit will clear the Vertical Display Enable thus
- blanking the display for the rest of the frame and giving the CPU
- total access to display memory until the start of the next frame.
- Note: This register is not documented by IBM and may not be available
- on all clones.
- 3dAh (R): Input Status #1 Register
- bit 0 Either Vertical or Horizontal Retrace active if set
- 1 (EGA Only) Light Pen has triggered if set
- 2 (EGA Only) Light Pen switch is open if set
- 3 Vertical Retrace in progress if set
- 4-5 (EGA Only) Shows two of the 6 color outputs,
- depending on 3C0h index 12h bit 4-5:
- Attr: Bit 4-5: Out bit 4 Out bit 5
- 0 Blue Red
- 1 I Blue Green
- 2 I Red I Green
- 3dAh (W): Feature Control Register
- bit 0 (EGA Only) Output to pin 21 of the Feature Connector.
- 1 (EGA Only) Output to pin 20 of the Feature Connector.
- 3 (VGA Only) Vertical Sync Select
- If set Vertical Sync to the monitor is the logical OR
- of the vertical sync and the vertical display enable.
- Note: On the VGA this register can be read from port 3CAh.